
Press publishers support the joint effort to strengthen Art. 4 EMFA

Ahead of the 2023 World Press Freedom Day, EMMA and ENPA joined other media, journalists and media workers organisations in calling for a stronger protection of journalists and journalistic sources in Article 4 of the proposed European Media Freedom Act (EMFA).

European press publishers denounce the historical threat to press freedom in the proposal for a “Media Freedom Act”

In light of the published proposal of the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), EMMA and ENPA note with dismay that the European Commission chose to move forward with a proposal that undermines core principles of press freedom, while not taken into consideration the fundamental concerns raised by press publishers.

European press publishers call on the European Commission not to adopt “Media Unfreedom Act”

With the publication of an undated draft proposal of the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), EMMA and ENPA find themselves in the surprising and worrisome position to see that the European Commission plans to undermine the core of press freedom. We deeply regret this threat for press and media freedom and call on the Commission not to adopt the proposal in its upcoming meeting, as in its current version the draft is a “Media Unfreedom Act”, an affront to the core values of the European Union and democracy.

EMMA and ENPA regret that the adopted Digital Services Act (DSA) will weaken freedom of the press online

European press publishers represented by the European Magazine Media Association (EMMA) and the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA) are concerned that the lack of a robust fundamental rights safeguard in the the Digital Services Act adopted today by the European Parliament will have a worrisome impact on press freedom in an increasingly digital world. During the legislative process, we have repeatedly reiterated the need for the legal content of the free press to be protected against the arbitrary interference of the very large online platforms. Although the text attempted a reference to freedom of the press, this safeguard is insufficient.

European press publishers welcome the adoption of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) but call for robust and swift enforcement

European press publishers represented by the European Magazine Media Association (EMMA) and the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA) welcome today’s adoption of the Digital Markets Act in the European Parliament. The newly adopted obligations of fair and non-discriminatory access to the services of the gatekeeper’s search engines and social media and AppStores will help ascertain the unhindered access of the free press to the digital sphere. European press publishers reiterate the importance of a solid enforcement framework in establishing a successful and ambitious DMA.

Strengthened Code of Practice against Disinformation threatens freedom of expression

EMMA, the European Magazine Media Association and ENPA, the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association, have taken note with great concern of the strengthened Code of Practice on Disinformation published today. At a time when large online platforms play a critical part for the distribution of press content and the formation of public opinion, it is critical that all legal publications can be visible and accessible online. Any interference in the free distribution of media content online, especially on those critical platforms, would dramatically affect the diversity of information citizens can access online and jeopardise the financing of the press sector, leading to a decrease in media pluralism.

“The European Union should be a beacon of press freedom in the World”

On World Press Freedom Day, European press publishers warn against interference with the freedom and pluralism of the media
On the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, while Europe is in turmoil over an ongoing global pandemic and a war of aggression on our continent, EMMA and ENPA remind the importance of our fundamental rights and values as guiding principles for the European Union and warn against any interference with the freedom of the press, editorial freedom and freedom of expression, whether offline or online.

European press publishers have high expectations on the Digital Markets Act to contribute to the sustainability of independent, vibrant and innovative media in Europe

EMMA and ENPA, which together speak on behalf of European press publishers with over 50.000 magazine and newspaper titles (online and in print) as well as 20 corporate media groups, welcome yesterday’s provisional agreement on the much anticipated Digital Markets Act (DMA), which will be of crucial importance to restore fair competition on digital markets. In particular, the associations welcome the agreement to extend the obligation to apply fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory access conditions to their business users to the gatekeeper search engines and social networks.

European press publishers appeal for freedom of expression and freedom and pluralism of the media to be safeguarded in the upcoming trilogue negotiations on the EU’s Digital Services Act

Today, the European Parliament (EP) adopted its report on the EU’s Digital Services Act in plenary. Contrary to the opinions of the Committees on Culture and Education (CULT), Industry, Research and Education (ITRE) and the Legal Committee (JURI), the responsible committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) decided not to include in the Digital Services Act (DSA), a provision that would shed journalistic and editorial media from being unduly deleted from very large online platforms. The European Magazine Media Association (EMMA) and the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA) recognise the fact that the general provision adopted today which binds the terms and conditions of online platforms to comply with fundamental rights,is better than nothing. We are grateful to all leaders and policy makers that have fought for the safeguard of digital press freedom.

The Digital Services Act must safeguard freedom of expression online

Imagine a world where platforms can censor negative news about themselves, where they can make arbitrary adjustments to their terms and conditions to block or remove news stories and real debate between citizens online is curtailed. This is what could happen if platforms are not obliged to respect European fundamental rights in the Digital Services Act (DSA).


Today, EU Ministers adopted the Council’s General Approach on the Digital Services Act (DSA). European media associations, including the European Magazine Media Association (EMMA), the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA), the European Publishers Council (EPC) and News Media Europe (NME), take note of the General Approach and acknowledge Member States’ efforts to provide digital players with clear rules as soon as possible while ensuring that smaller online platforms are not overburdened with disproportionate due diligence obligations.


The European media sector, through the voice of public and commercial broadcasters, radios and the press, acknowledges the General Approach adopted by the Council of the European Union on the Digital Markets Act (“DMA”). This step forward reflects the political consensus across Member States that swift action is required to rebalance the digital competitive environment in order to preserve a diverse, vivid and innovative media landscape.

Open call on EU Member States not to adopt the DMA unless significant shortcomings that will only protect Google and Facebook are addressed.

EMMA, the European Magazine Media Association, and ENPA, the European Newspaper Publishers Association, speak on behalf of European press publishers publishing over 50.000 magazine and newspaper titles (online and in print) as well as 20 corporate media groups.

Compendium of possible fundamental rights infringements caused by the e-Evidence proposal

EMMA and ENPA have worked with 12 other associations to produce a compendium of examples of how the e-Evidence regulation proposal currently being discussed in trilogues represents a threat to fundamental rights. In particular, the lack of involvement of judicial authorities in the receiving Member States in case of cross-border criminal investigation deprives journalists of the necessary procedural safeguards regarding the confidentiality of their communications. As such, the proposal puts freedom of expression at risk and could have a chilling effect on the press.