
The Publishers’ Right needs to be respected by Mega-platforms - European press publishers ask for further rules in the DMA to restore fairness in the online ecosystem

In the context of the current implementation of the press publishers’ right across Europe and its application in France, EMMA and ENPA would like to stress the necessity to ensure a swift and effective implementation of article 15 of Directive 2019/790 grating a right to press publishers for all publications.

Press publishers’ exchange on the future of the digital press with Vice-President Jourova and Commissioner Breton

On 23 and on 25 November 2020, a delegation of high-level representatives of the press sector, from EMMA (the European Magazine Media Association) and ENPA (the European Newspaper Publishers Association) had the pleasure to meet Vice-President Jourova and Commissioner Breton to discuss the current and the future challenges of the press in an increasingly digital world. The expressed attention to the needs of the press sector challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the digital transition and how this will be reflected in upcoming initiatives (Media Action Plan) was noted positively. Press publishers have welcomed the upcoming Digital Market Act (DMA) as a mean to enforce neighbouring rights for publishers, and called for an ambitious proposal introducing ex ante rules to ensure that markets characterised by large platforms with significant network effects acting as gatekeepers remain fair and contestable.

Press Publishers comment on the European Parliament's adopted report on strengthening media freedom and ask for competition to be restored in the online ecosystem

EMMA, the European Magazine Media Association and ENPA, the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association which together represent tens of thousands of newspapers and magazines across Europe would like to comment on the report on strengthening media freedom: the protection of journalists in Europe, hate speech, disinformation and the role of platforms which was adopted by the European Parliament’s Plenary today.
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Press publishers welcome the EU Council Conclusions on safeguarding a free and pluralistic media system and warn against trust indicators and the promotion of public communications on mega platforms

European newspaper and magazine publishers across Europe welcome the EU Council Conclusions on safeguarding a free and pluralistic media system that were adopted by ambassadors earlier today. Press publishers consider the conclusions, a set of proposed actions to foster a sustainable, pluralistic and trustworthy media system throughout Europe, a clear recognition of the vital role the media plays in our European democratic system.
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Europe’s press publishers, represented by the European Magazine Media Association (EMMA), the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA), and the European Publishers’ Council (EPC), strongly support today’s call of 135 tech companies and 30 industry associations for immediate actions of the European Commission against Google’s self-preferencing practices which are harming competition and consumer choice.


On behalf of EMMA (European Magazine Media Association), ENPA (the European Newspaper Association) EPC (European Publishers Council), FEDMA (Federation of European Direct and Interactive Marketing), EGTA (Association of TV and radio sales houses), ZAW (German Advertising Federation), we would like to voice our strong concerns about some key parts of the EP JURI adopted report on the Digital Services Act on 20 October.
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European publishers comment on Google’s decision to conclude licensing agreements with some publishers from Australia, Germany and Brazil.

EMMA and ENPA consider the fact that Google is now finally ready in principle to pay for the use of press content as a first success of the EU copyright directive even before its implementation across the EU.
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European publishers celebrate World Press Freedom Day.

On the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, EMMA and ENPA want to reiterate the fundamental value of maintaining and upholding press freedom and media pluralism across Europe, which lie at the core of European democracies. The coronavirus pandemic has confirmed that newspapers and magazines remain the most trusted media, with Europeans relying on them for quality information and entertainmentand their digital circulation reaching an all-time high. In these unprecedented times, the importance of accurate and reliable journalism cannot be overstated.
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European Press publishers celebrate the World Intellectual Property Day.

Intellectual property rights, author’s rights and neighbouring rightsof publishers and producers are the cornerstone of our European democracy, media diversity and European culture. The coronavirus pandemic has further proven that newspapers and magazines are the most trusted media, with Europeans relying on publishers’offerings for quality information and entertainment while their digital circulation reached an all-time high. Intellectual property rights are essential toensure the economic sustainability of such a vital sector.
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European press publishers welcome the Australian Government’s decision to develop a mandatory code of conduct to govern the relationship between digital platforms and media companies.

European press publishers welcome the Australian Government’s decision to develop a mandatory code of conduct to govern the relationship between digital platforms and media companies. On 19 April, the Australian Treasurer has directed the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to develop a mandatory code of conduct that would address the market imbalances between digital platforms and media companies.

European press publishers welcome the Decision of the French Competition Authority (Autorite de la Concurence) obliging Google to negotiate with press publishers for the use of press content

European press publishers welcome the Decision of the French Competition Authority (Autorite de la Concurence) obliging Google to negotiate with press publishers for the use of press content Today the French Competition Authority issued a preliminary ruling against Google concerning its behaviour following the introduction of the EU neighbouring right for press publishers in France. In this historical decision, the French Competition Authority instructs Google to commence negotiations “in good faith” with press publishers’ and news agencies through emergency injunctions to be implemented immediately as interim measures.
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Press publishers’ fruitful exchange with Executive Vice-President Vestager

On 24 February 2020, a delegation of high-level representatives of the press sector, members of EMMA (the European Magazine Media Association) and ENPA (the European Newspaper Publishers Association) had the pleasure to meet Executive Vice-President Vestager and her team and to discuss the         current and the future priorities of the press and publishing industry. The press representatives have discussed concepts which would ensure fair treatment of the press and publishing sector in a Europe fit for the digital age. They have expressed their support for the Commission’s stated goal of maintaining Europe’s digital leadership where we have it and catching up where we lag behind.
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EMMA and ENPA welcome plans of the European commission in its digital communication to work on ex-ante asymmetrical regulation for large platforms with significant network effects

EMMA and ENPA welcome in today’s Commission communication on Shaping Europe’s digital future (COM (2020), 67 final) the announcement of the Commission plans to work on ex-ante regulation to ensure that markets characterised by large platforms with significant network effects acting as gate-keepers, remain fair and contestable for innovators, businesses, and new market entrants. 
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EMMA and ENPA welcome von der Leyen Commission

EMMA and ENPA welcome the democratic vote cast today for the investiture of the von der Leyen Commission by the European Parliament. We thank the Juncker Commission for all the support and historical achievements in their constant efforts to maintain and uphold the free democratic press sector in the European Union.
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Ministers of Culture raise their voices against abusive practices led by dominant platforms in the implementation of the publishers’ right

At the Council of Ministers of Culture taking place on 21 November 2019, the French Minster discussed the implementation in France of the neighbouring right for press publishers as introduced by the Copyright Directive 2019/790. Franck Riester, French Minister of Culture, stressed that this situation reveals clear market imbalances and called upon a firm and appropriate response at EU level as well as for specific regulation for “structural platforms”.
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European Press publishers comment the first entry into force of Copyright Directive’s press publishers’ right in France

Today marks the first entry into force of a press publishers’ right in France. The European Magazine Media Association (EMMA) and the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA) show solidarity to the complete representations of newspaper and magazine publishers in France which held today a press conference to mark their strong opposition to Google’s unilateral change of settings and refusal to negotiate licence agreements with publishers for the use of their content.

EMMA-ENPA suggestions on market dominant platforms regulation

Ahead of a German-French Summit on 16 October 2019 BDZV, the Alliance of the Press of General Information have jointly called for regulation of market dominant platforms and supported ⁦EMMA-ENPA and VDZ suggestions for regulation.