
Mission statement picture 2

Publishers tell COREPER: agree to negotiate a workable Publisher’s Neighbouring Right or condemn consumers to a future of news experienced through the lens of Google

With Google still shouting from the rooftops that it will cut news publishers off at the knees if an EU Publisher’s neighbouring right is adopted, one should not be surprised that Google is ramping up its opposition to it when their very business model is based on free and unfettered re-use of publishers’ and others’ valuable content whilst dictating the terms and conditions.

Open letter to strengthen whistleblower protection:public reporting must be a safe option

On behalf of the EBU (European Broadcasting Union), EFJ (the European Federation of Journalists), EMMA (European Magazine Media Association), ENPA (the European Newspaper Association) and NME (News Media Europe), we would like to strongly encourage the Members of the European Parliament and the Council representatives to ensure that the proposed directive on the protection of whistleblowers, which is currently being negotiated in both institutions, guarantees a robust protection for persons choosing to turn to the media to report unlawful or wrongful acts.

European press publishers applaud European Council agreement that allows Member States to apply reduced VAT rates to the digital press

European press publishers across Europe applaud the outcome of today’s Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Ecofin), which saw the adoption of the proposal to amend the existing EU VAT directive in order to allow Member States to align their digital VAT rates to their print rates.

Statement on Publishers’ Right from journalists and publishers ahead of the 12 September plenary on the EU directive on copyright in the digital single market

Ahead of the copyright vote in Plenary scheduled for 12 September, the EFJ (European Federation of Journalists), the IFJ (International Federation of Journalists), EMMA (European Magazine Media Association), ENPA (European Newspaper Publishers’ Association), EPC (European Publishers Council), NME (News Media Europe) – together representing the interests of tens of thousands of European news brands and journalists – jointly call on MEPs to maintain the wording on the publishers’ right (Article 11) as put forward by the Legal Affairs Committee. 


Today in Strasbourg, MEPs voted to obstruct a crucial EU Copyright Reform from progressing to the final legislative stage, succumbing to an intense lobby of manipulative anti-copyright campaigners, US internet giants and vested interests who benefit from stealing and monetising publishers’ valuable content.

Future of Press Freedom and Professional Journalism put in hands of MEPs : Full EP plenary expected to vote next week on crucial EU Copyright reform

Ardent anti-copyright radicals, US Internet giants and vested interests, that commercially benefit from freeriding on publishers’ valuable content, continue to wage a loud and misleading campaign against a proposed EU copyright reform that is working its way through the EU legislative process. 

Europe's publishers applaud MEPs' support for a free press

Today, Europe’s news and magazine publishers EMMA, ENPA, EPC and NME applaud the European Parliament for making a crucial stand for the future of a free, independent press, for the future of professional journalism, for the future of fact-checked content, for the future of a rich, diverse and open Internet and, ultimately, for the future of a healthy democracy.

Press Publishers of all sizes united for a Publishers’ Right

In the coming weeks, the European Parliament will vote on the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. We would like to draw your attention to a topic that is crucial for all newspapers and magazines, small mid-size and big, but especially local and regional titles across the European Union: the proposed neighbouring right for press publishers, introduced in Article 11 of the Commission’s proposal, as there have been misleading claims that the right would be harmful for smaller publishers.

EMMA, ENPA, EPC and NME welcome the Agreement of the EU Council on the Publisher’s Right

The European Magazine Media Association (EMMA), the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA), the European Publishers’ Council (EPC) and News Media Europe (NME) welcome the fact that the Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Council called for the introduction of an exclusive right for press publishers in EU copyright law today. 

Press Release - Prioritise media Freedom and Sustainability

A conference on press freedom took place on the fringes of the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Sofia in Bulgaria which gathered journalists, media organisations, publishers, NGOs and members of the European parliament. Participants warned of the waning strength and independence of European media and the consequent threat to democracy. 21 years after the UNESCO Sofia Declaration for a free and pluralistic media, they published the ‘Sofia Declaration’, urging the EU to prioritise media freedom in Europe.

Press Freedom Conference Sofia 2018

EMMA and ENPA in association with EFJ, RSF, AEJ, ECPMF, SEEMO and the UPB, held a conference on “Media Freedom and Pluralism” on Wednesday, 16 May, in Sofia, in the wings of the EU-Western Balkans summit.

Join us at the Conference “Media Freedom and Pluralism: how to reboot an essential EU pillar”

On May 16, 2018 a Press Freedom Conference – organized by the Union of Publishers in Bulgaria (UPB) in association with EMMA/ENPA, European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), in partnership with Reporters Without Borders, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), Association of European Journalists (AEJ), South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) – will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria.    

Joined EMMA/ENPA statement on the murder of Jan Kuciak and the need to support the press freedom in the EU

ENPA, the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association and EMMA, the European magazine Media Association representing thousands of European Press publishers on European level are deeply shocked and saddened by the murder of investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and his partner Martina Kusnirova and extends condolences to their family friends and colleagues.

EMMA and ENPA press release on the open letter on e-Privacy

EMMA and ENPA has joined more than 50 stakeholders from 19 different European countries from across industry sectors in co-signing an open letter to call for a review of the draft E-privacy regulation to the benefit of consumers, the businesses that serve them and to ensure a vibrant Digital Single Market for Europe and its citizens.

Cross-industry open letter on e-Privacy: “Europe Cannot Afford to Miss the Data Revolution”

Data economy is a pillar of future growth, job creation and social progress. According to the European Commission, the value of the European data economy may raise from €285 billion in 2015 to €739 billion in 2020. Consumers and citizens will enjoy innovative products and services and, hopefully, benefit from strong guarantees for their rights and privacy. Big Data will also provide governments and authorities with the opportunity to enhance public policies’ design and effectiveness.