
Press freedom and media pluralism under threat in European Parliament vote on the Audiovisual Media Services (AVMS) Directive

Publishers of newspapers and magazines in Europe today sounded the alarm ahead of a vote in the European Parliament on the proposal for an updated AVMS Directive that could seriously undermine media pluralism and press freedom in Europe.

Newspaper and magazine publishers slam European Parliament report for dismissing proposal for a Publisher’s Right and prioritising litigation over licensing and cooperation

Published yesterday evening, Tuesday, 7 March, EP Rapporteur Therese Comodini Cachia’s report on the EU copyright reform package recommends rejection of the proposal for a Publisher’s Right that would go some way to address the major challenges faced by publishers striving to finance an independent press and professional journalism in the face of wide-spread theft of their digital content and diversion of revenue-earning potential.

Act now to #SaveYourPress

Ahead of the upcoming votes on the revised EU Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market, European publishers’ associations are launching the #SaveYourPress campaign to promote support for the Publisher’s Right across the EU.

Own-initiative report on whistleblowers adopted in plenary

Today, 14 February, the plenary assembly in Strasbourg approved an own-initiative report on the role of whistleblowers in the protection of EU’s financial interests, put forward by the Budgetary Control (CONT) Committee earlier this year.

EMMA welcomes Antonio Tajani to his new role as European Parliament President

In an unusually competitive election, Italian MEP Antonio Tajani was elected the 29th president of the European Parliament earlier this week after striking a deal with between his political group, the European People’s Party, and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe.

TRUSTe / EDAA research shows digital advertising self-regulatory programme continues to improve consumer attitudes towards interest-based advertising

Recently conducted online research shows an icon aimed at providing greater transparency and control over online behavioural advertising (OBA), commonly referred to as interest-based advertising, is improving consumer attitudes towards OBA and growing in awareness. The study of 15 European countries was commissioned by theEuropean Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), a European industry coalition setup to licence the ‘OBA Icon’ to companies involved in Online Behavioural Advertising across Europe andTRUSTe, a leading data privacy management company.

The Commission proposal for an ePrivacy Regulation seriously undermines the economic sustainability of the digital press

Today, the European Commission presented a legislative proposal for an ePrivacy Regulation concerning the respect for private life and personal data in electronic communications and repealing the existing Directive 2002/58/EC (last modified in 2009). Among other things, the proposal introduces new rules governing the use of cookies, which will significantly affect the business model of the digital press.

Protests in Poland over press freedom restrictions

On Friday and Saturday protests against press freedom restrictions resumed in Poland after the ruling Law & Justice (PiS) party pushed through regulations that would limit journalists’ access to the Parliament building as from 1 January. The protests that followed saw opposition MPs block access to the main parliamentary chamber and the forced removal of demonstrators who blocked the building's exits by police. 

Publishers across Europe explain why a publisher's right is essential for their businesses

The proposal by the European Commission to include publishers as rights holders under the EU copyright framework is an historically important step and the necessary precondition for guaranteeing media pluralism as an essential basis for freedom of opinion and democracy in the digital world. Today, European newspaper and magazine publishers are reaching more consumers than ever before, but in spite of investing heavily in adapting their businesses to the realities of the digital environment, publishers still don't have an adequate way to protect their investments.

Celebrating 250 years of press freedom in Sweden

Today, Sweden celebrates the 250th anniversary of the Swedish Press Act. The act, which was the world's first legislation on freedom of expression and freedom of information and constitutes a vital part of Swedish democratic society, states that all citizens have the right to freely seek information. The European Magazine Media Association recognises the importance of this legislation, and joins in celebrating freedom of expression, transparency and media in Sweden and across Europe.

European newspaper and magazine publishers welcome EU Commission’s proposal on reduced VAT for e-publications

The European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA) and the European Magazine Media Association (EMMA) jointly welcome the European Commission’s proposal     for a Directive as regards rates of value added tax applied to books, newspapers and periodicals that endorses the possibility for all Member States to choose to apply zero, super reduced, or reduced VAT rates, which are currently applicable to printed newspapers and magazines, to the digital environment.

Summary of the FMLounge debate session on the review of the AVMS Directive now available

Last week on 16 November, the Future Media Lab. hosted its 7th Future Media Lounge session in the European Parliament, this time focusing on the review of the Audiovisual Services Media Directive, which is currently under discussion in the European Parliament, and the impact this could have on Europe's press publishers.

European publishers urge European Commission to recognise importance of digital advertising in review of the ePrivacy Directive

With media independence a hot topic across Europe and around the world, European publishers today called on the Juncker Commission to ensure that future “ePrivacy” rules do not needlessly deprive them of a critical revenue stream as they manage the difficult transitional to digital. The publishers are concerned that the current review of the ePrivacy Directive (Directive 2002/58/EC, also known as the ‘Cookie Directive’), may lead to new constraints on low-risk data processing for advertising purposes, including rules that would in effect force them to provide content for free. Over 90 European publishers, brought together by 26 European national Interactive Advertising Bureaus (IABs), IAB Europe and leading European publisher associations EPC (European Publishers Council), NME (News Media Europe), EMMA (European Magazine Media Association) and ENPA (European Newspaper Publishers’ Association), co-signed a letter to Commission Vice-President Andrus Ansip and Commissioner Günther Oettinger highlighting their concerns.

Commissioner Oettinger meets with EMMA Board, delegation of publishers on future of the sector

Members of the EMMA Board and a delegation of European publishers met with Commissioner Günther Oettinger yesterday evening to discuss the future of Europe’s publishing sector. On this occasion, Oettinger expressed his broad support for publishers, saying that they play a necessary role in the creation and dissemination of quality content, which is crucial for a democratic society. He also participated in a Q&A with EMMA members, during which the Commission’s copyright proposal, proposal on reduced VAT rates, and e-Privacy proposal were discussed.

Pulitzer Prize Board opens all journalism categories to print and online magazines

After a couple of years’ experimentation, the prestigious Pulitzer Prize Board has now opened all its journalism prize categories to print and online magazine journalism. After opening two journalism categories to magazines in 2015, the board has unanimously decided to open all journalism categories to the magazine and online sectors in light of the recent developments in those sectors.

EMMA joins as supporting organisation of the Accelerate! "Women in Media 2.0" conference in Brussels

EMMA is pleased to announce its support of the Accelerate! "Women in Media 2.0: Amplify the Voice of Female Experts" conference taking place in Brussels on Wednesday, 26 October. The event will explore, among other things, the diversity policies of major media organisations and how women are perceived in newsrooms and in the news.