
Representatives of Europe’s media sector launch call for action to improve press freedom

Today at the European Media Freedom Conference 2016 Max von Abendroth, Executive Director of the European Magazine Media Association, together with Jane Whyatt, Project Manager at the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, launched a “Call for Action” from Europe’s media sector to improve press freedom across the continent.

Press publishers join forces to safeguard democratic values in Europe by making the case for a strong European copyright

“Empower Democracy” (, officially launched today, is a cross-border alliance initiated by Europe’s press publishers to raise awareness about the crucial democratic role of the press, the need for a free, independent, pluralistic and vibrant press sector in Europe is acknowledged in the ongoing copyright reform.

Join us next week for a Future Media Lounge session on press freedom

On Tuesday, 27 September 2016 the Future Media Lab. will be hosting the 6th session of the Future Media Lounge, a debate series that takes place in the European Parliament. In this session, titled "Press Freedom in Europe: is it time to raise the alarm?" speakers and commentators will be continuing the discussions that took place in Wroclaw, Poland at the (R)EVOLUTION OF EUROPE'S PRESS conference on 1 July.

Press publishers in Europe respond to public consultation on reduced VAT rates for electronically supplied publications

ENPA - the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association - and EMMA - the European Magazine Media Association – have responded to the public consultation launched by the European Commission on reduced VAT rates for electronically supplied publications.

Publishers in the Digital Age: Adequate legal protection is needed to ensure the diversity of the press and the future of quality Journalism in Europe

On 14 September, the Commission is expected to publish a copyright reform package containing draft legal texts and an overarching Communication including a related right for press publishers. This new right aims to provide legal protection by introducing rights at EU level to protect the unauthorised reproduction and making available of publishers’ press publications, in the context of the digital world.

European Commission launches public consultation on reduced VAT rates for electronically supplied publications

EMMA welcomes the launch of the European Commission's public consultation on reduced VAT rates for the digital press, which aims to more precisely determine which "electronically supplied publications" would qualify for reduced, super-reduced or zero VAT rates in EU Member States. This consultation follows an announcement in April by Commissioner Moscovici that there would be a specific proposal coming up this year to reduce VAT rates for e-publications. 

Conference in Wroclaw identifies threats to press freedom in Europe and inspires calls for action in Brussels and beyond

Last week on Friday 1 July, the European Magazine Media Association, in cooperation with a coalition* of national, European and international journalist, publisher and press organisations, organised a press freedom conference in the Wroclaw Town Hall in Wroclaw, Poland. The conference “(R)EVOLUTION OF EUROPE’S PRESS” brought together 80 media experts, journalists, politicians, start-ups and technology experts from across Europe in order to examine how changing political priorities in Europe and technological innovations are impacting press freedom.

Political pressures still challenge press freedom in Europe, says Michael Ringier in keynote speech in Wroclaw

Last night in the Wroclaw Town Hall, Michael Ringier, Chairman of the Board of Ringier AG, addressed a high-level audience of approximately 60 media experts, journalists, politicians, start-ups and technology experts from 13 different countries at a dinner was hosted by the Mayor of Wroclaw, Rafal Dutkiewicz. This dinner set the stage for the “(R)EVOLUTION OF EUROPE’S PRESS” conference,which is to take place tomorrow, 1 July.

Future Media Lab. annual conference gathers 150 stakeholders in Brussels to explore how technology impacts audience engagement

The 6th Future Media Lab. conference took place on 26 January 2016 in The Panoramic Hall at The Square in Brussels. This conference, titled “Technology and Media: Shaping the Future of Audience Engagement” covered one of today’s most crucial topics for Europe’s media. The full-day event included panel discussions, “reality check” presentations with facts and figures, a keynote speech, an interactive think-tank module with nine innovative start-ups and an interactive debate.

ITRE committee increases advertising requirements for energy products

On 14 June, MEPs of the Industry, Research and Energy committee voted on the draft report of Mr. Tamburrano on the proposal for a Regulation setting a framework for energy efficiency labelling and repealing Directive 2010/30/EU. Despite great support from the EPP and ECR groups, the committee adopted a compromise amendment along with an addition that make it mandatory for all visual advertisements to carry the energy efficiency class of the product advertised (e.g. class A+, A, B, C etc.).

EMMA and ENPA welcome ECOFIN Council conclusions on VAT for e-publications

On 25 May 2016, the Council of the EU (ECOFIN) adopted conclusions on the VAT Action Plan “Towards a single EU VAT area”, published on 7 April by the European Commission. The Council notably “INVITES the Commission to present a legislative proposal which integrates provisions concerning VAT rates for e-publications in the context of Digital Single Market initiatives by the end of 2016 and include an impact assessment”.

The Consumer Rights Directive is under evaluation

Recently, the European Commission has published a roadmap in which it explains its program to evaluate the Consumer Rights Directive. This Directive was adopted in 2011 and became applicable in all 28 Member States as from the end of 2014.

Unique coalition of press and journalist organisations to address Europe’s press freedom challenges in Europe’s Cultural Capital, Wroclaw

The European Magazine Media Association, in cooperation with an alliance of national, European and international media and journalist organisations, is organizing a conference, “(R)EVOLUTION OF EUROPE’S PRESS”, on 1 July 2016 in this year’s European Capital of Culture, Wroclaw, Poland. The event will bring together press publishers, politicians, journalists, academics, start-ups and technology experts to discuss a holistic view of real and potential threats for press freedom in Europe.